Column: I spent 2 days looking for a rare eagle in Maine, but I was too late

BANGOR DAILY NEWS • January 6, 2022

Two weeks ago, I relayed that a Steller’s sea eagle had been found in Massachusetts. This enormous raptor is native to Siberia. There’s no good word to describe how rare it is. I warned you that it could head this way. It did. On New Year’s Eve, it was discovered in Georgetown. People from all over the country raced to Maine. I take full credit for their success. I did not rush to see the bird, as I have a longstanding reputation as a jinx. If I chase a rarity, it will leave 15 minutes before I get there, disappointing everyone else who’s chasing it. I finally tried on Monday, three days after its discovery. Naturally, no luck. I made the three-hour journey again on Tuesday. No luck. It was gone. The Steller’s sea eagle is still out there somewhere. If it is rediscovered, and you want to see it, you’d better get there before I do. ~ Bob Duchesne