BANGOR DAILY NEWS • March 21, 2025
Birds make noises for many reasons. This time of year, the main reason is all about mating, either wooing a partner or declaring a territory. Some of these noises could hardly be called songs. It takes a lot of imagination to describe an owl hoot as a song, but they’re out there hooting up a storm this time of year. American woodcocks return early in spring. Most are back now, and many are calling. Not long after their arrival, snipes take to the air in a mating display amplified by a weird, jungle-like hu-hu-hu sound, which definitely cannot be classified as a song. Tree swallows are the earliest swallows to return. I expect them around Easter. Courtship begins almost immediately, but their distinctive twittering is hardly an aria. Woodpeckers play a huge role in the non-song spring cacophony. They drum year-round, but do it much more often during mating season. Ah, spring. If you listen, you can hear it coming. ~ Bob Duchesne