“[T]he Endangered Species Act of 1973...has brought 10 times more species back to health than have been lost in the same time period to extinction.””
Enacted in 1973 with broad bipartisan support, the national Endangered Species Act (ESA) is one of America’s most effective and important environmental laws. Despite the success of the ESA, the Trump Administration and anti-conservation members of Congress are working to undermine the law.
Canada lynx (Lynx canadensis) kitten, USFWS
Why the ESA Is So Important
Worldwide, plants and animals are disappearing at an alarming rate, and the natural systems that all species depend upon are at serious risk. In the U.S. alone, scientists estimate that more than 500 species have disappeared in the past 200 years. The Endangered Species Act prevents listed species from being killed or harmed, protects essential habitats, creates plans to restore healthy populations, and helps states, tribes, and private landowners protect endangered species and habitats. The ESA has prevented 99% of listed species from going extinct. Read letter to Representative Chellie Pingree urging her to support increased funding for the Endangered Species Act.
Small whorled pogonia (Isotria medeoloides), USFWS
The ESA Has Been Critical to RESTORE's Efforts
Since 1992, RESTORE: The North Woods has been leader in endangered species protection. We filed the original petition that successfully led to the ESA listing of Atlantic salmon, worked to secure ESA listing for Canada lynx, and organized the Coalition to Restore the Eastern Wolf (CREW).
Wolverine (Gulo gulo), USFWS
The ESA Has Never Been More Threatened
In July 2018, the Trump Administration proposed rules to strip the ESA of numerous critical protections, putting wolves, bears and other protected keystone species at risk for extinction. Meanwhile, many in Congress have proposed bills to gut or weaken the Endangered Species Act. Polls show that nearly 90% of Americans agree that the ESA has been successful. Now is the time for ESA supporters to demand that decision makers leave this essential law intact. If you have questions, please contact Jym St. Pierre at jym [at] restore.org.