Opinion: Existing Maine laws haven’t reduced pollution. The Pine Tree Amendment will help.

BANGOR DAILY NEWS • January 11, 2022

In January, the Maine Legislature will again consider the proposed Maine Pine Tree Amendment. LD 489, Section 25, reads “Environment Rights. The people of the State have the right to a clean and healthy environment and to the preservation of the natural, cultural and healthful qualities of the environment. The State may not infringe upon these rights. The State shall conserve, protect and maintain the State’s natural resources, including, but not limited to, its air, water, land and ecosystems for the benefit of all the people, including generations yet to come.” Existing laws, though well intentioned, have not effectively reduced water, land and air pollution. Talk with your legislators. Support the Pine Tree Amendment! ~ Luki Hewitt, Narramissic Valley Friends, Quakers