Column: A sampler of cabin fever-reliever hikes on the coast, from York County to Lubec


The mountains may be choked with lingering winter snowpack, but along the coast from the beaches of York County to the pink granite peaks of Acadia to the bold headlands of Lubec, the trails are pretty much clear. It’s high time to pack the rucksack, lace up the hiking shoes, and get on out there to enjoy some cabin fever-reliever spring hikes, enjoy some welcome exercise and soak in some warm sun. Here’s a sampler of outstanding hikes to consider:
• Kenyon Hill Preserve, South Berwick
• Emmons Preserve, Kennebunkport
• Crystal Spring Farm, Brunswick
• La Verna Preserve, Bristol
• Ragged Mountain, Rockport
• Acadia National Park, Mount Desert Island
• Mariaville Falls, Mariaville
• Boot Head Preserve, Lubec
~ Carey Kish