Five years ago, I published “A New Energy Policy Direction for Maine: A Pathway to a Zero-Carbon Economy by 2050.” The pathway I set out is based on: (1) Decarbonization of the electric grid through the replacement of fossil-fuel generation with renewable, zero-carbon emission generation technologies and (2) Beneficial electrification through the conversion of heating and transportation to electricity. How is Maine doing? The track record is mixed. The solar projects being built are too small and the cost of this power has been far too high. We are lagging on the development of onshore wind generation. The solution: Northern Maine wind. Most disturbing are the prospects for offshore wind. This energy is critical, yet every attempt runs into a brick wall. Maine is ahead on residential heating conversions but behind on electric vehicle (EV) adoption. One solution is to design electricity rates to ensure increases in utility and environmental costs do not increase the price of using more electricity making it more expensive to install heat pumps or buy EVs. ~ Richard Silkman, Scarborough