Column: With all due respect, where is the George Smith award?

BANGOR DAILY NEWS • February 12, 2025

No outdoors figure in the history of Maine was more influential than George Smith. Under his leadership, Sportsman’s Alliance of Maine became a veritable political powerhouse. He helped create the Maine Outdoor Heritage Fund and the Land for Maine’s Future program. If not for George’s leadership, Maine would not have its heralded State Heritage Fish law. In 2017, George received an award from Maine Conservation Voters, something you don’t expect to see for someone from the hook-and-bullet arena. George was a prolific writer. He had outdoors columns in several Maine publications, two blogs, and three outdoors books. He also co-hosted the “Wildfire” television show. I was there when George took the stand at a meeting with the National Park Service in support of Katahdin Woods and Waters, a complete reversal from his earlier position. George publicly supported Native Fish Coalition, a group I helped found. The Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife sponsors the Wiggie Robinson Legendary Guide Award and the Fly Rod Crosby Outdoor Lifetime Achievement Award. Where is the George Smith Award? ~ Bob Mallard