Klamath dams finally come down; thank river advocates in Maine for kicking off the movement

ROCKY BARKER • September 3, 2024

Since the Edwards Dam in Maine came down 1,200 other dams in the U.S. have been removed, restoring rivers and hope for the communities that they run through. The latest were the dams on the Klamath River in Oregon and California. The last was removed last month, opening a waterway to salmon just as the Fall salmon are beginning their run upriver to the places they once spawned. Klamath River lovers can give some of the credit to Brownie Carson and the others in Maine who first got the Edwards Dam removed. More dams will come out because they will end up costing more than keeping them there. Eventually money talks. Still, it takes people like Brownie Carson of the Natural Resources Council of Maine to force the issue.