Opinion: Green lake? Maine has a blueprint for that

CENTRAL MAINE • July 26, 2024

When a lake is “sick,” it turns green. Often these days, green lakes are appearing throughout Maine. The culprit is algae blooms. As I travel Maine with my boat and trailer, I see literature posted at boat ramps. I repeatedly see an aerial photograph of Lakes A and B. Lake A is sickly green with algae bloom. Lake B is a healthy dark blue. The contrast is striking. Because more lakes are threatened with algae blooms due to Climate Change, we are invited to take steps to support our favorite bodies of water. You can join a lake association. You can make sure your shorefront property is well-buffered to prevent run-off. The best thing you can do is to support land conservation. Undeveloped land is 10 times more protective of water quality than developed land. ~ Doug “Woody” Woodsum, 7 Lakes Alliance