How to help prevent your pets from getting heat stroke this summer

BANGOR DAILY NEWS • June 17, 2024

Many common pets, like cats and dogs, don’t regulate their body heat the same way that humans do. And even if they did, they have a coat of fur they can’t shed easily. Because dogs pant to regulate their body heat, they will need adequate access to water throughout the day. Avoid leaving your animal unattended in a hot car. If you think your dog or cat is overheating, the first thing to do is to move them to a cooler place. To help your pet cool down, you can spray cool — but not cold or icy — water onto your pet’s fur, making sure that the water soaks into their coat down to the skin. If you’re unsure whether your pet has heat stroke, calling your vet is the best way to receive adequate care for your furry friend.