Opinion: If you care about the ethical treatment of wildlife, say so


Recent tragic events in the U.S. have exposed the worst impulses of humans in their violence against animals. Our federal government wants to exterminate hundreds of thousands of barred owls, while Wyoming allows people to run down wolves using snowmobiles. Here in Maine, we witnessed the grotesque sight of three dead coyotes hanging from a buoy. How do we institute change for the good of wildlife and humanity today, before it gets even darker for us all? The line between egregious cruelty to animals and violent harm to women and children, especially, is paper-thin. Tell legislators you support legislation to protect all wildlife and that you care about the ethical treatment of wildlife, and that wanton killing for sport and prizes, especially, is unacceptable. ~ Gina Garey, Animal Wellness Action and the Center for a Humane Economy.