These unusual Maine materials can keep your soil healthy

BANGOR DAILY NEWS • May 15, 2024

Here are some options from Maine to meet the needs of your soil. With permission to harvest, you can gather your own seaweed for composting or tilling into the soil. Many Maine companies also create prepared products like kelp meal and seaweed fertilizer, including North American Kelp in Waldoboro, Gulf of Maine in Pembroke, Living Acres in New Sharon and Coast of Maine in Portland. Waste wool from sheep shearing can be used in the garden as loose fleece or pellets to retain water and slowly release nitrogen, calcium, magnesium and iron over six months. Byproducts from shellfish processing are very rich and produce healthy plants. Peat retains water and releases it as needed, and can also hold onto nutrients, making it useful for sandy soils. It helps break up heavier soils and improve drainage. Ground oyster or clam shells are a source of calcium for soil, similar to eggshells. Using it has been shown to raise the pH levels of acidic soils, and could improve soil fertility for crops.