This historic park off the Maine coast is a joy to visit, even in the dead of winter

BANGOR DAILY NEWS • February 12, 2024

Winter is a quiet time at Roosevelt Campobello International Park. While wandering the park’s many trails and roads, we didn’t see another visitor all morning. Located on Campobello Island, the 2,800-acre park is jointly administered and funded by Canada and the United States. Earlier that morning, we’d reached it by driving across the long, arching bridge that spans from the small Maine town of Lubec to the island. And at the end of the bridge, we showed our passports to cross the border into Canada. In the late 1800s, Franklin Roosevelt’s parents were among the many wealthy families who summered on the island at grand hotels. They loved Campobello so much that they purchased land and built a cottage. One of the Roosevelts’ favorite activities was picnicking. So it’s fitting that the park features some of the most stunning picnic spots I’ve ever seen.