Opinion: Industrial pollution extends beyond Maine ZIP codes

PORTLAND PRESS HERALD • December 19, 2024

All of Maine looked toward Rumford last week as the snow turned brown from pollution. An industrial accident at the paper mill owned by ND Paper discharged black liquor waste into the atmosphere and discolored the snow. This pollution event occurred in the birthplace of Maine’s Edmund S. Muskie, U.S. senator, environmental advocate and author of the Clean Water Act of 1972. Last year, I witnessed the snow turn black with coal dust on Portland’s waterfront. This, too, led to DEP testing. This pollution event occurred during delivery of 45,000 tons of coal at Sprague’s Cassidy Point Terminal, which is transported by uncovered train and destined for burning at this same mill in Rumford. I implore us to follow Sen. Muskie’s lead and raise our collective voices for environmental protection since it affects all of us. Muskie’s experiences and passion for Maine improved the environment and the health of the entire country. ~ Sarah Southard, RN, MSN, NP, Portland