PORTLAND PRESS HERALD • November 30, 2024
Trump has historically been a climate change denier. He plans to reverse efforts to mitigate these phenomena, characterizing them as a “green new scam”. He has stated “Starting on day 1, I will approve new [oil and gas] drilling, new pipelines, new refiners, new power plants, new reactors, and we will slash the red tape …” Trump’s full-throated embrace of fossil fuels ignores the overwhelming conclusion of scientists in all corners of the world, i.e., these fuels exacerbate and hasten global warming. Mother Nature (not Trump) will have the last word. Trump would roll back regulations if they increase the cost of end products. This ignores that time and again regulations were sustained when it was demonstrated that the dollar costs of pollution were greater than the costs of pollution control. Bravado is not enough, Mother Nature’s dictates and benefit/cost principles will almost certainly prevail. ~ Orlando E. Delogu, emeritus professor, University of Maine School of Law