Column: Where are the birds? Many are on the move

MAINE SUNDAY TELEGRAM • November 22, 2024

Every year around this time, we get many questions along the lines of “where are the birds?” as people start to see fewer activity at their feeders. It’s not a huge mast year, but mountain ash and winterberry both produced a ton of fruit. These fruit-bearers reportedly also over-produced across the boreal forest, in Canada, so this winter we don’t expect to see some of the beautiful birds that these often attract. Another reason you might see fewer birds in your backyard: many of our summer birds have migrated south for winter. Millions of birds don’t survive their long migrations, as habitat loss and threats during their movements make that journey ever harder. It’s also important to consider the choices you make that can help these birds, from the coffee you buy (consider “bird friendly” shade-grown options) to the way you treat your windows at home or at work (consider applying materials – like stickers or screens – to reduce collisions). ~ Maine Audubon Staff Naturalist Doug Hitchcox