Environmental Groups Clash Over Logging Projects at Lake Tarleton and Gorham Area

INdepthNH • November 20, 2024

A lawsuit brought against the White Mountain National Forest Service opposing its plan to log and develop recreation opportunities and protect from runoff Lakes Tarleton and Katherine and a tract near Gorham known as the Peabody West project is not being supported by eight New Hampshire conservation organizations and one individual. Standing Trees, whose mission is to see old growth forests return to New England, filed a suit against the federal project. Supporting the USFS are: Society for the Protection of NH Forests, New Hampshire Timberland Owners Association, Appalachian Mountain Club, NH Wildlife Federation, Ruffed Grouse and American Woodcock Society, Audubon Society of New Hampshire, The Nature Conservancy, Society of American Foresters and Charlie Niebling. Zack Porter, executive director of Standing Trees, said the Forest Service is violating the National Environmental Policy Act and its own Forest Plan.