Opinion: With federal support, conservationists and timber companies find common ground

BANGOR DAILY NEWS • November 13, 2024

Here in Maine, land owners and conservation organizations have found common ground when it comes to our state’s greatest natural assets. Protecting the health of Maine’s forests and the waterways that keep them thriving is something both of our organizations can get behind. For The Nature Conservancy, it’s because healthy forests are vital for people and the planet. For Baskahegan, it’s because thriving forests mean jobs and growing local economies. For both of us, addressing the outdated dams and undersized culverts on forest roads that block passage of native fish like Atlantic salmon and brook trout is a top priority. Nearly $25 million in federal funding is coming to Maine to support private landowners who want to make these improvements to road-stream crossings on their property. ~ Eileen Bader Hall, The Nature Conservancy in Maine; Kyle Burdick, Baskahegan Co.