Opinion: Trail cameras allow hardworking Mainers to hunt successfully

BANGOR DAILY NEWS • October 29, 2024

The definition of “fair chase” varies wildly. For example, fair chase in Maine means we do not bait deer, however we bait bear, and in many southern states they consider baiting deer and bear fair chase. So, sure, if trail cameras are found to be the reason deer, moose and bear populations are anemic, ban them. None of those populations are a concern, however. Trail cameras allow these hard-working Mainers to ensure that they are in a solid spot for the limited hours that the state and their work schedule allow them to hunt. The only standard by which game should be managed is an objective biological one, with harvest goals, methods, seasons and strategies dictated by the needs and opportunities of the wildlife. Mainers do not need anyone’s opinion on their achievements. ~ Jared Bornstein, Democratic lobbyist, hunting advocate and registered Maine guide, Skowhegan