BANGOR DAILY NEWS • October 17, 2024
In Millinocket, disagreements exist, like how to best rebuild local identity after one of the world’s largest paper mills closed and jobs disappeared. For the past 15 years, I have worked alongside local residents advocating for a shift to outdoor recreation-based economic development in the Katahdin region. Our efforts have focused on the Katahdin Woods and Waters National Monument. To include a road from Millinocket, there needs to be an act of Congress. U.S. Sen. Angus King introduced S.4209, which would expand the monument’s boundary to include the existing road. In June, the Millinocket Town Council voted 4-3 to oppose the bill. But they kept listening and changed. At the end of August, the town council voted unanimously in support of the bill. Yes, our country is divided. But as Millinocket shows, not hopelessly so. ~ Lucas St. Clair, Elliotsville Foundation