Annual food waste in Maine emits as much greenhouse gas as nearly 400,000 cars, study finds

MAINE MORNING STAR • October 15, 2024

The food wasted in Maine annually emits as much greenhouse gas as 398,235 cars driven for one year. That equates to 361,000 tons — or about 520 pounds for every person in the state — of wasted and lost food every year, based on a first-of-its-kind study. The majority of Maine’s food waste is generated in households, particularly in the southern part of the state. Aroostook County is the highest contributor of agricultural waste. Commercial food waste — largely from grocery stores and food manufacturing — makes up most of the rest. Seasonal industries and tourism drive up waste in the summer months. Maine’s population surges from 1.3 million to 15 million during that period bringing more people to feed and more waste. A draft version of the State’s updated climate plan published earlier this summer includes cutting food waste and loss in half by 2030. The study also provides more information for potential legislation.