BANGOR DAILY NEWS • January 18, 2024
Hard-core birding is an action-packed adventure. I realize non-birders think birding is a passive activity, requiring less effort than, say, knitting. Non-birders have never charged off in search of a rarity that just appeared on the other end of the state. They’ve never driven forested back roads, paddled secret marshes or clung to the rail of a puffin boat. I spend most of my time doing something. I need to spend more time doing nothing. I’ll call it sit-birding. Bring a chair, and let the birds do all the work. I guess I’ve already started. I brought a chair to the hawk-watch on Cadillac Mountain in September. I brought a chair to the Sea Watch at Schoodic Point in October. Truth is, there are a lot of places in Maine to just sit and watch birds. ~ Bob Duchesne