Farmington select board considers tree ordinance, support for trail bond

DAILY BULLDOG • January 10, 2024

The Farmington selectboard met on Tuesday evening. Marc Edwards, of the Natural Resources of Maine, sought the selectboard’s support for the Maine Trails Bond Initiative. The bond, managed by the Bureau of Parks and Lands, will be worth $30 million over four years and will be available for trail design, development, building, and maintenance throughout the state. Around 460 towns, businesses, and organizations have signed a letter that will go to the state legislature as an example of state-wide support for the bond. Selectman Joshua Bell spoke out in support of the initiative, citing the value of local trails like the Whistle Stop, that are well-used and loved by the public. The board voted to have Town Manager Erica LaCroix sign the letter of support on behalf of Farmington.