Opinion: We can’t be hypocritical about the full cost of ditching fossil fuels

PORTLAND PRESS HERALD • September 30, 2023

Maine should move away from fossil fuels. But we cannot be hypocrites and demand the true cost of our new electrified world be borne by others – a form of externality colonialism. As we electrify, we should also demand that we produce as much energy as we consume within our borders. Maine rivers cannot be too precious to place hydro dams on. Are Canadian ecosystems not valued? We will have to see offshore wind towers as we enjoy our sunrises. We will also need to give up lots of forest and farmland to place solar farms. We may need to give up the illogical aversion to nuclear power. If climate change is a crisis, it is time to put all of our options and resources to bear and understand we must accept the full cost of the power we use. ~ Zak Harding, Wells