DAILY BULLDOG • August 28, 2023
In May 2023, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service held public scoping sessions in Rangeley and Farmington to introduce the concept of a High Peaks National Wildlife Refuge (NWR). So far, the High Peaks NWR is just an idea. It is an idea I support wholeheartedly, which is why I’ve joined the USFWS stakeholder representative team to help shape the concept in a way that reflects community values. As a 50-year resident of Phillips and a Madrid landowner, I believe the High Peaks NWR would be a force multiplier for this region. The USFWS would bring invaluable conservation and outdoor recreation-focused funding to the High Peaks, helping us build and maintain outdoor access, crucial infrastructure, and threatened habitat. We would permanently protect outdoor recreation access and wildlife habitat in the region while gaining access to a $900-million pot of federal funding. Why wouldn’t we want a seat at that planning table? ~ Arthur Lage, Phillips