Opinion: Let’s move ahead with Belfast fish farm proposal


It is long past time that Nordic Aquafarms be granted the power of eminent domain to construct the Belfast project. I live on the farm where I was born 61 years ago in New Gloucester. In the 1840s, the Maine Legislature granted the power of eminent domain to construct a railroad through the farm. It has been a pain ever since. But it was an economic boon for all the communities along its route. In the 1960s. Central Maine Power, through the power of eminent domain, constructed a high-voltage power line through the farm to energize western Maine. A natural gas line to supply Lewiston-Auburn was granted the power of eminent domain. It just missed our farm and went through our neighbors’. Move Maine forward – grant Nordic Aquafarms the power of eminent domain to raise sustainable and economical farm-raised salmon. ~ Carl Wilcox, licensed professional environmental engineer, New Gloucester