Large areas of milfoil found in Cobbossee Lake deal latest blow in enduring battle against invasive plant

KENNEBEC JOURNAL • July 31, 2023

Efforts to rid Cobbossee Lake of invasive Eurasian water milfoil took a hit last week when a survey team spotted two large areas infested with the plant in Manchester between the Outlet Bridge on Pond Road and a nearby dam, and an area past the dam, entering Cobbosseecontee Stream. Eurasian water milfoil can spread rapidly, growing several inches in a day. It can restrict boat access and even obstruct people from swimming in the water. The association has asked people to curb the spread of Eurasian water milfoil by avoiding jumping into the lake, swimming and fishing in the area along the shoreline. Officials are also discouraging people from using kayaks, canoes and boats.