Maine has a five-year vision for distributing $70M to farmers impacted by PFAS

MAINE PUBLIC • July 11, 2023

A state advisory commission has approved a five-year plan for helping Maine farmers impacted by so-called forever chemicals. The plan, born from months of discussion with farmers, state officials, health experts and agricultural advocates, describes how Maine will administer some $70 million in state and federal funds to farmers whose land or water is contaminated with PFAS. About $30 million would go directly to impacted farmers to replace lost income. Farmers trying to stay afloat could receive up to two years of help. Others looking to dissolve their businesses would receive a year's worth of assistance to help them figure out their next steps. Roughly $20 million is available for the state to purchase, hold and manage contaminated property that farmers want to sell. Funds could be ready to distribute later this summer,