SUN JOURNAL • May 28, 2023
Algae blooms kill fish and can kill humans. China Lake in Maine was not the first in the U.S. to undergo this syndrome, but unfortunately the name “China Lake Syndrome” is catchy and it stuck. China Lake is very similar to Lake Auburn. However, the two lakes differ significantly in Watershed Percentage Covered in Forest — 74% for Lake Auburn and only 56% for China Lake. Most authorities agree that a drinking water supply lake should have at least 74% of its watershed covered in forest. The Kennebec Water District had to build a filtration plant to meet the standards set by the national Safe Drinking Water Act. Due to the foresight of our predecessors, Lake Auburn is still clean enough to qualify for a filtration waiver, saving the citizens millions of dollars per year, but that waiver is tenuous. ~ Dr. Ben Lounsbury, Auburn, majored in physical sciences, including water quality measurement