Opinion: Why the CMP Corridor Will Be Built

MAINE WIRE (Maine Policy Institute) • April 24, 2023

The  New England Clean Energy Connect (NECEC) project is likely—and legally—to become a reality. Among the key issues involved are whether a lease granted by the state allowing the corridor to pass over less than one mile of public lands in northern Somerset County required a vote of approval from two-thirds of the legislature. Maine’s Supreme Judicial Court ruled that the corridor did not violate the state constitution. The state’s legal system has repeatedly ruled to protect the right of CMP to carry out its legally permitted project. It is deeply disappointing that there are still those who do not respect the constitutional rights of the minority and argue that the referendum vote should take precedent over the constitutional rights of CMP and NECEC. It is time to accept the fact that CMP and NECEC have met all of the bars set by state law and have the right to move forward, no matter how unpopular the project is or how persistent its opponents are. ~ Tom Desjardin