Editorial: Company responsible for derailment should face consequences


It’s hard to say what’s worse. The train derailment on April 15 near Moosehead Lake or the utter lack of urgency displayed since the crash by the company responsible, Canadian Pacific Kansas City. CPKC has declined to answer questions about the hazardous materials carried on the train and failed to remove the rail cars containing hazardous materials in a timely manner. Worse, CPKC failed to empty the tanks in the derailed cars before removing them from the site, as directed to by the state DEP. As a result, an estimated 500 gallons of diesel fuel spilled. The state should keep the pressure on CPKC to clean up the mess it caused, sanction the company if it can’t comply, and investigate the unanswered questions the derailment has raised, including who is tasked with the regulation of transportation of hazardous materials through Maine wilderness – which could be ruined by one mishap.