Broad Statewide Coalition Announces Support for Maine Trails Bond


More than 260 businesses, towns, and organizations from across the state today urged lawmakers to help make Maine a national leader in recreational and multi-use trails to help bolster our economy, environment, and quality of life. The coalition supports a $30 million Maine Trails Bond (LD 1156) to invest in the design, development, and maintenance of trails for hiking, biking, snowmobiling, skiing, commuting, and other activities. At a State House news conference, supporters of LD 1156 released a letter to Maine lawmakers from more than 260 groups, demonstrating both the significance of trails to Maine people and businesses, and the level of support for investing in current and future trails. The bill would provide $30 million in grants over four years to organizations and towns for motorized, non-motorized, and multi-use trail projects. This would be the first significant investment by the State of Maine in its trail systems.