Commentary: Maine should demand accountability from its solid waste monopolist


Casella Waste Systems, is refusing to accept sludge from several wastewater treatment facilities, putting our municipalities in an untenable situation. The cause, according to Casella, is that the company is no longer allowed to use bulky waste from out of state to stabilize the landfill. Instead of coming up with solutions, Casella has decided to hold our communities hostage in the name of profit. Casella is a billion-dollar corporation. In addition to being paid to manage the state-owned Juniper Ridge Landfill, it makes money from multiple landfills it owns across the region. It is long past time for the state of Maine to take a good, hard look at the iron grip Casella has on our waste options. Without competition or effective financial oversight, the market doesn’t function as intended. Mainers deserve better. ~ Sen. Rick Bennett, R-Oxford,