What’s inside Maine freight trains? Public can only hazard a guess

PORTLAND PRESS HERALD • February 26, 2023

Maine’s public record law prevents residents from learning what hazardous materials are moving through their own communities. Freight traffic has increased in Maine in recent years as two major railroads have acquired smaller ones. The trend is likely to continue as those companies and state officials have committed tens of millions of dollars to infrastructure upgrades. General industry data shows that freight trains in Maine are mostly transporting pulp and paper, but also commonly move petroleum products and chemicals. Maine has more than 1,100 miles of freight railroad used by seven operators, including two of North America’s largest, Class I railroads. Industry officials say they will provide annual reports about hazardous materials to emergency response agencies upon request. But railroads are not required to report information about their cargoes, including hazardous materials, to any agency in real time.