Add these 5 hikes to your list of places where hunting isn’t allowed

BANGOR DAILY NEWS • November 17, 2023

Throughout November and into December, I make sure to wear plenty of bright colors while sharing the outdoors with the state’s many hunters. I also understand the peace of mind that comes with hiking on properties that are off-limits to hunting during this time of year. Here are some hiking locations that are closed to hunting, scattered throughout Maine:

• Acadia National Park
Holbrook Island Sanctuary State Park in Brooksville
Rolland F. Perry City Forest in Bangor
• a good portion of Katahdin Woods and Waters National Monument near Patten
• Wolfe’s Neck Woods State Park in Freeport
• Cobscook Bay State Park
Ferry Beach State Park
• Shackford Head State Park
Reid State Park
• state historic sites or memorials
• Hirundo Wildlife Refuge in Old Town and Alton
Carter Nature Preserve
• Furth Wildlife and Talalay Nature Sanctuary in Surry
• 6 Coastal Mountains Land Trust preserves: Hodson preserve, Fernalds Neck, Harkness, McPheters, Beauchamp Point and Youngs Neck
• Maine Audubon’s wildlife sanctuaries