Ethics in the outdoors means doing the right thing when nobody’s looking

BANGOR DAILY NEWS • November 13, 2023

As a Maine Game Warden, I was exposed to every shade of the ethical color wheel. I found most sportsmen and sportswomen are good people that do their best to adhere to fish and wildlife laws and rules. Yes, I observed my fair share of folks looking over their shoulder before tossing an extra trout in a cooler or sneaking a small doe home at midnight. I’m both happy to report, however, that I saw far more people do the right thing when it would have been so easy to do the wrong. Core values and morals vary from person to person and there is no definitive standard, but if you’re confused about what to do when nobody’s looking, there’s an old saying: Do the right thing, at the right time, for the right reasons. ~ Chris Sargent