Monroe farm helps queer farmers find their joyful entry to the industry

MAINE SUNDAY TELEGRAM • October 22, 2023

Dandy Ram farm is an LGBTQ+ operated and owned farm offering space to grow crops for just $1 a year. It is n affordable and accessible opportunity for queer people to find kinship, learn to farm, discover their passion and, perhaps most important, feel safe and at ease while doing so. Farm owner Bo Dennis, 33, and the other folks sharing space at Dandy Ram view this dynamic as uniquely queer – a word that embraces people within the LGBTQ+ community and others who reject conventional gender norms and the societal expectations that go along with them. People in the LGBTQ+ community are using the term “queer” (both as a noun and verb) and reframing its long-standing association as a homophobic slur.