Column: Great options for fall backpacking trips around Maine


Foliage season is here, and the window between now and when the snow flies is perhaps the best time of year to get out onto the backcountry trails for some scenery and solitude. There’s the well-known Appalachian Trail, Baxter State Park, Maine’s White Mountains, the Grafton Loop Trail and the Cutler Coast, sure, but what other options are there? A goodly number, as it turns out. Consider one of these lesser-traveled places for an easy to moderate overnight backpacking trip.
Hidden Valley Nature Center in Jefferson
Debsconeag Lakes Wilderness Area south of the Golden Road
International Appalachian Trail through Katahdin Woods and Waters National Monument
Amherst Mountains Community Forest in Clifton
Deboullie Public Lands in northern Aroostook County
Little Moose Public Land west of Greenville
Debsconeag Backcountry Trail in Nahmakanta Public Land
~ Carey Kish