TIMES RECORD • January 9, 2023
Let’s think differently about food wastes instead of putting them in the trash. Organic materials like leaves, grass, vegetable peelings, old leftovers the dog won’t eat are actually resources. Organic farmers and gardeners know that the more organic material you can get back into your garden soil, the better your vegetable and flowers will grow. Buy a closed garbage container and use it as a compost bucket near your kitchen sink by scraping plates and leftovers into it. Bath residents can take the full bucket to the Garbage to Garden drop-off kiosks at the Bath landfill and Lemont and High Street community garden. Even simpler, for $4.75 a week, Garbage to Garden will give Bath and Brunswick residents a bucket and pick it up weekly, returning you a bag of organically certified compost when you request one. ~ Nancy Chandler