Column: What can you do at home to help insects?

MAINE SUNDAY TELEGRAM • September 4, 2022

What can homeowners do to help the decline in insect populations? First, insects need a place to live. For most insects, mowed grass is the equivalent of pavement. Insects also need food, which is where native plants come in. The next big thing we need to change is our use of insecticides. Balancing health concerns is always challenging, especially with browntail moths and ticks increasing in Maine, but the widespread use of tree and lawn treatments to kill these is having a greater effect than on just those target pests. Other things you personally can do: reduce soap run-off activities like washing cars; switch to using a biodegradable soap; and think carefully before you use plant-killing salts that are often spread on driveways and walking areas in the winter. Perhaps most importantly, if you are not an insect lover, try to change your perception of insects. ~ Maine Audubon Staff Naturalist Doug Hitchcox