The city of Portland recently purchased a parcel of land in the Riverton neighborhood that will add just under an acre to the Riverton Trolley Park, helping to preserve the land and views in the historic park. The new park space will provide “significant wildlife habitat with mature white pines, water quality protection for the Presumpscot River, and protects the viewshed,” the statement said. The park opened to the public more than 120 years ago and the city has applied for a $250,000 Land and Water Conservation Fund grant for a rehabilitation project that would include a mountain bike flow trail, a renovated entrance and parking lot, new signage, repairs to the Little League field and other upgrades. The City Council council voted 8-1 in March to approve the purchase, with $23,000 of the cost coming from a donation from Allagash Brewing and the remaining $27,000 from the Land Bank Fund.