Efforts to make Maine's outdoor recreation more accessible and welcoming to all

MAINE PUBLIC • August 16, 2022

All over Maine, communities, land trusts, and parks are working to make their trails and outdoors programming more inclusive for people with disabilities. It's part of the growing national movement called "Outdoors for All." From building boardwalks to improving signs, we'll discuss what organizations can do to make their open spaces more accessible and welcoming. Panelists: Enock Glidden, disabled athlete, motivational speaker; Chrissy Beardsley Allen, Blue Hill Heritage Trust and co-author, Open to All: A Disability Inclusion Guide for Land Trusts. VIP Callers: Zachary Stegeman, Adaptive Outdoor Education Center; Dan Ostrye, Yarmouth West Side Trail; Keenan Weischedel, Disabiity Rights Maine.