SUN JOURNAL • August 11, 2022
Yesterday,I was walking through my milkweed-strewn field when I discovered a baby monarch caterpillar chewing up a leaf. I carefully removed the milkweed stalk, added others, and put them in a bucket. I planned to raise this one outdoors as has been my custom. Then I came in to work. I was horrified to learn that scientists are now saying that it may put the monarch at risk to hand raise them. I went out to return my little friend to the field as fast as I could. He was gone! Why do I have to keep learning again and again that nature takes care of her own without my help? I checked his nearby milkweed patch – and lo – there he was, munching on a leaf, warming in the sun. salient suggestions for folks who want to improve the monarchs’ chances of survival. 1. Plant Lots of Milkweed. 2. Don’t Use Pesticides. ~ Sara Wright