Opinion: Why we again fought against a CMP power line corridor in western Maine

BANGOR DAILY NEWS • August 10, 2022

This happened before. Central Maine Power and Hydro-Quebec already tried to run a power line corridor through western Maine. In the summer of 1987, families, friends and neighbors learned about several possible corridor alternatives through western Maine to connect Hydro-Quebec to southern New England. Just like it has taken this time, it took years back then, to kill the Hydro-Quebec corridor. After we won the battle at the Maine PUC, I went to the University of Maine School of Law where I won a national energy law writing competition for my paper, “The Legal Framework for Hydro-Quebec Imports.” I concluded that “The United States and Canadian legal systems are structured so as to promote wasteful and environmentally destructive energy development.” I also warned: “Legally, nothing precludes CMP from returning with a new Hydro-Quebec proposal for the power line.” ~ Pamela Prodan, Wilton