BANGOR DAILY NEWS • July 24, 2022
A recent column from the Conservation Law Foundation, “ISO New England is holding back our clean energy future,” contains inaccuracies. Publishing such pieces does nothing to help the region understand what it will take to reliably and cost-effectively transition to the clean energy future we all want. The next step in the evolution of the region’s power grid is underway. Renewable energy’s share of the power mix continues to grow each year as their costs decrease, and virtually all of the new resources currently proposed are either renewables or energy storage. To suggest that we have not been laying the groundwork for renewable energy ignores the work we have done over the past 15 years to enable these resources to become part of the region’s resource mix. To fight climate change, New England needs a steady hand focused on a reliable clean energy transition, and we’re proud to play that role. ~ Anne George, ISO New England