Commentary: Casco Bay’s years-long fight against pollution buoyed by new stormwater rules


Since it was passed in 1972, the Clean Water Act has excelled at reducing industrial and sewage pollution. In the Casco Bay watershed, we have witnessed the dramatic reduction of toxic discharges from paper production into the Presumpscot River and the near elimination of raw sewage reaching Casco Bay due to the proliferation of wastewater treatment facilities. To tackle stormwater pollution in Maine, we need to strengthen stormwater permits issued and rules to reduce the use of chlorides, preserve open lands to naturally filter water and require small-scale development to address contributions to stormwater pollution. This landmark law has helped us improve and protect the Casco Bay watershed. Empowered by this success, let’s roll up our sleeves and work together to address the challenges ahead. ~ Ivy Frignoca, Casco Baykeeper