Column: Skowhegan conservation effort a lesson in preserving lands and legacies

MORNING SENTINEL • June 10, 2022

I’ve got good memories of a field in Skowhegan, where in summer we explored the quiet woods nearby, built tree houses, chewed on choke cherries and checkerberry leaves and sipped from cool, pristine springs. When I drive through there now, I am both saddened by the changes and reminded of the reality that one can not turn back the clock. But my sadness was assuaged when I read about Somerset Woods Trustees and its efforts to preserve a 27-acre field, donated by the Parsons family, whose roots in the area go back to the American Revolution. The foresight and generosity of land donors, Somerset Woods Trustees and others should be lauded for their selfless efforts geared toward the greater good. ~ Amy Calder