Letter: Designate I-295 ‘automobiles only’ through Portland, Falmouth


Now that we’ve shown that commerce did not come to a complete halt by detouring trucks to the Maine Turnpike and Falmouth Spur, let’s designate I-295 an automobile-only parkway, at least through Portland and Falmouth. Or find some way to incentivize 18-wheelers to choose the turnpike, especially if their ultimate destination is further north. If a big town like New York City can do it with the Henry Hudson Parkway down the west side of the city, then we can, too. Dedicating I-295 to automobiles not only will calm Portland and free up a lovely stretch of road on the west banks of the Presumpscot River that deserves the moniker “Parkway.” It also will make the city and roads safer, the city quieter and less polluted and its citizens and wild birds happier. ~ Donna Lawlor, Falmouth