Opinion: Maine needs to ‘go big’ to meet climate goals


The Biden administration’s ambitious climate initiative is in limbo. A carbon price, the most cost-effective climate policy, is not even on Congress’ agenda. The Supreme Court seems poised to strip the EPA’s power to regulate carbon emissions. And Putin’s aggression has made expanding oil and natural gas supplies America’s near-term priority. In contrast, Maine has framed a comprehensive response to the climate crisis: “Maine Won’t Wait.” But in 2021 Maine missed two game-changing opportunities. The Clean Energy Corridor project would have sent a large volume of renewable hydro-electric power, enabling our region to cut dependence on carbon-based electricity. And a bill creating Pine Tree Power, a consumer-owned utility to replace Maine’s poorly-performing for-profit utilities, was vetoed by Governor Mills – a climate strategy mistake. We have another chance to “go big” with “An Act to Create the Maine Generation Authority.” The MGA could target capital to the most effective mix of technologies and locations, instead of relying on market incentives and profit-driven decisions. ~ David Vail, professor of economics emeritus, Bowdoin College