Opinion: Campobello Island swap would be good for US and Canada

BANGOR DAILY NEWS • March 18, 2022

Campobello Island is a Canadian community of about 800 people that lies off the southwestern coast of New Brunswick, linked to Canada only by a seasonal ferry that normally stops running at the end of September. Its daily lifeline to the mainland is its only bridge, connecting the Island not to Canada, but to the town of Lubec, Maine. It sounds as though Campobello might be ready for a change of address. What could the U.S. offer Canada in return? Here’s an idea for a fair trade: Point Roberts, Washington, dangles off Canada. It would be a lot healthier if formally connected to the body of British Columbia. So, Point Roberts is really more Canadian than American, while Campobello is literally attached to the U.S and not Canada. Why not cure the shared misery of these two communities by trading Campobello Island to the U.S. for Point Roberts? ~ Bob Booth, White Rock, British Columbia